Die Familie Herburger, Gastgeber im Gasthof Hotel Mohren
The Herburger family, the hosts at Hotel Mohren

Tradition, hospitality & a good portion of coziness ...

...that is what we want to offer our guests.

Together with our dedicated teams in the kitchen, in service and for cleaning, we pamper our guests all round. Whether on business or on vacation, the Mohren should offer a place of rest and relaxation for everyone.

Michaela and Marcel, Gerda and Elmar Herburger


We are a company to feel good and enjoy. Tradition is very important to us and we live it.

The year 2019 held a great challenge for the old and new generation at the Mohren. We are grateful that this challenge turned out well in the end, but spring 2020 had a new surprise in store.

The Mohren has now been around for almost 115 years.

During this time, the company and the now four Herburger generations have experienced and gone through a lot. There have been many highs and lows and now, in 2020, we are being overwhelmed by a major health crisis.

Who gave us the courage and the encouragement?

We have received strong support from all of you, our guests, friends and regulars. Challenges can only be overcome together and with solidarity. We have realized this once again in these difficult times, which are not quite over yet (but hopefully will be soon).

Whether you are traveling on business, enjoying a nice weekend, or want to experience cozy, enjoyable hours at lunchtime or in the evening. It is the endeavor of our family and all our employees to offer you relaxing hours, enjoyment with local products and also surprises.

Because you are all our passion.

This is why Gasthof Mohren will continue to be an address for connoisseurs, where tradition and hospitality are of paramount importance.

Herburger's Mohren - our moving story!

The unique history of our inn began in 1904. It has made us and our house what we are today. We still preserve the memories of our moving history in every corner. A story that tells how good and challenging times have shaped us, what a pharmacy has to do with it and how we have changed the Vorarlberg hospitality industry.


The guests round off their evening with a convivial visit to the Gasthaus Mohren in the Ringstraße. Until the day when a devastating fire destroys three buildings on the Ringstrasse. Among them was the Gasthaus Mohren. Josef Präg, then known as "Schwoba Sepp", decides to restore the community's meeting place. Without further ado, he converts his finished pharmacy in Stiegstraße into the new Gasthaus Mohren.


A few changes of ownership and a good 20 years later, Jakob Fulterer, owner of the brewery of the same name, becomes the new owner. He buys the business for his daughter Irma, whom he brings back to Vorarlberg from Salzburg, and her husband Anton Ludescher.
Two years later, Irma dies and Anton leases the Mohren until the war breaks out. From then on, Irma and Anton's daughters Herta, Lotte and Claudia joined forces to look after the "Gasthof".


Herta marries Norbert Herburger and together they expand the Mohren: the unique "Rankler Stube" with its impressive oak ceiling is created.
It is not long before Herta and Norbert's traditional cuisine is well received and attracts enthusiastic guests to the Mohren. A good reason for the Herburger family to invest in six new guest rooms and a new kitchen wing in 1960.


Herta, Norbert and their son Elmar plan the next major renovation with 12 new guest rooms and a magnificent dining room that can accommodate over 70 people.
A year later, Elmar takes over the Mohren together with his wife Gerda. It is the time of "nouvelle cuisine" and a new era begins in Vorarlberg gastronomy. Tradition is reinterpreted and cooperation with regional agriculture is emphasized.
The first "Kalbsmetzgete", the "Alpenschlachtpartie", Martinigans and free-range beef celebrate their premiere at the Mohren in Vorarlberg.


The Mohren gets an addition: Elmar and Gerda buy the "Mirza Franz" house with the unique Mohrenschopf. The Gasthof gains in coziness and individuality. But also an award for cooperation with agriculture and the state award for apprentice training.
A short time later, the Mohren is recognized by Gault Millau for its "Typical Austrian Cuisine" and receives the Vorarlberg Innovation Award for employee management.


Elmar and Gerda create even more space to feel at home in the Mohren with ten new guest rooms, a passenger elevator, a hotel bar and a veranda. At the same time, the kitchen and restaurant are brought up to date - nothing stands in the way of the 100th anniversary celebrations in the modern Gasthof Mohren.
For the Mohren's 105th birthday, the Herburger family moves out of their apartment in the Mohren and into the "Mirza Franz" house next door, creating space for four new, modern guest rooms.


Elmar and Gerda Herburger found a "GmbH" together with their youngest daughter Michaela. Together they come up with many new ideas for the family business.


Shortly afterwards, six new guest rooms and two luxurious suites are added to the Mohren. In keeping with the unique flair of the Mohren, with its 120-year-old "Gewölbekeller", the unique Mohrenschopf and the cozy parlors and guest rooms.

To be continued - we look forward to the next exciting chapters!

Discover over a hundred years of history at the Hotel Gasthof Mohren in Rankweil during your vacation in Vorarlberg. Immerse yourself in the living traditions of the family-run hotel and let the Vorarlberg hospitality read your wishes from your lips. Send a non binding inquiry or book your vacation at the traditional Hotel Mohren in Vorarlberg online now.